How To Manage Your Anger? Part 1

Have you ever thought about what angry means to you? What happened to you by feeling angry? Maybe You Like To Manage It, But Somehow It Has Been Kind Of Uncontrol Or In Other Words. You Like To Control It, Not It Control You. 

        Image: Unsplash

What Is Anger?

First of all, let's see the difination of anger. According to Merriam-Webster, having a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed. Moreover, it is defined in the Cambridge dictionary as having a strong feeling against someone who has behaved badly, making you want to shout at them or hurt them. In my view, the important parts of these definitions can be illustrated that angry is a strong feeling, somebody makes you upset and you want to hurt them.  

Why Should You Manage Your Anger?

Anger could be harmful to your body physically as negative effects on your heart, brain, immune system, or blood pressure, also it may create mental issues like anxiety, depression, or feeling of weakness. Additionally, negative results of the rage could be harmful to people around you as family, friends, or colleagues. When your anger becomes overwhelming, it might be terrifying. And it might be really tough to handle in the moment. However, you've got a few choices you may try. It would be more likely to be successful if you see anger management as a way to healthier happier life. 

 Is It Possible You Control It While Feelings Of Anger Outburst?

Getting angry is common and happens among people. For example, you are eager to do something, but somehow something emerges and thwarts you from doing that. The good news is it is not inherited! Forget about saying myth as "my angeriness came from my father/mother, it's in my blood, or I have not control on it". These are not fact at all. You can change it and it will not stay with you forever! The good news is that you can control it! Don't let it control you. Don't let it win! You can work to overcome it. You can be away from the toxic effects of it.


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